Dear Member,
Unfortunately, over the past years, several of our members have suffered from serious illnesses and therefore, we have experienced a larger than usual number of requests for sick bank. We are always diligent in regards to using the sink bank days, however, the awarding of days due to these serious illnesses have caused our number of available days to be depleted below the 75 day minimum as stated in the Aides contract.
Prior to deducting days from each members sick day balance as contractually stated in Article IX section 4.b.1 “eligible members shall have the opportunity to contribute one day of accumulated sick leave to replenish the bank when the number of days available for withdrawal is reduced to 75 days. Each employee participating in the bank will be notified that an additional day is needed and that one sick day will be deducted from the aides’ sick leave accruals” (this is the procedure used to build the bank back up), we are asking if there are any aides who are willing to donate some of their sick days to the sick bank. As stated in Article IX section 4.b.4 “any teacher aide may, at his/her discretion, contribute an annual total of five (5) sick days in addition to the contributions described above”
If you are willing to donate days to the bank please contact Stacey DiPaola ([email protected] ) or Melissa Barreto ([email protected], [email protected]) so that we may notify Human Resources to process the request.
Thank you in advance for your generosity,
Unfortunately, over the past years, several of our members have suffered from serious illnesses and therefore, we have experienced a larger than usual number of requests for sick bank. We are always diligent in regards to using the sink bank days, however, the awarding of days due to these serious illnesses have caused our number of available days to be depleted below the 75 day minimum as stated in the Aides contract.
Prior to deducting days from each members sick day balance as contractually stated in Article IX section 4.b.1 “eligible members shall have the opportunity to contribute one day of accumulated sick leave to replenish the bank when the number of days available for withdrawal is reduced to 75 days. Each employee participating in the bank will be notified that an additional day is needed and that one sick day will be deducted from the aides’ sick leave accruals” (this is the procedure used to build the bank back up), we are asking if there are any aides who are willing to donate some of their sick days to the sick bank. As stated in Article IX section 4.b.4 “any teacher aide may, at his/her discretion, contribute an annual total of five (5) sick days in addition to the contributions described above”
If you are willing to donate days to the bank please contact Stacey DiPaola ([email protected] ) or Melissa Barreto ([email protected], [email protected]) so that we may notify Human Resources to process the request.
Thank you in advance for your generosity,