We the undersigned, all BTA members in good standing, respectfully request a proposed amendment to the constitution. We wish to abolish number 9 of Section B of Article III which states: Article III Section B.-Duties of the President 9. In the absence of any officer, with the exception of the first and Second Vice Presidents, the President shall appoint, with board approval, a member of the Association to perform the duties of the absent officer for the remainder of the term. In the cases of the First and Second Vice Presidents, the President shall appoint, with Board approval, a member of that respective bargaining unit for the remainder of that term. In place of having the President appoint a candidate with board approval as stated above: a special election shall be held each and ever time a board position becomes vacant. As dues paying members, we have a right to elect officers of our choice. This petition has met and surpassed the signature requirement as stated in the bylaws (10% of membership)
This amendment shall be voted upon at the next scheduled general membership meeting. A two-thirds vote of the membership present shall be required for passage.
President * Melissa Barreto 118 Paulette Theret 87 Corresponding Secretary majority requirement not met by any candidate, runoff required Susan Pelligrino 91 Jason Poniatowski 53 Michael Star 52 Teacher Reps (The top vote earner from each division, special services and career, was elected as rep first and the third rep is the person with the next highest amount of votes regardless of division)
Teaching Assistant Reps
* Debbie Schiff 81 * Joe Iaconetti 73 * Concetta Muratore 70 Pete DeSantolo 68 Ann Robertson 68 R.A. * Melissa Baretto 165 * Lesa Curtis 155 Retiree Delegates * Tom Burgess 152 * Paulette Theret 146 |
November 2024