Dear Certified Staff Members,
The BOCES Teachers Association Benefits Trust is committed to providing the best benefits possible to our members. We continuously review all the factors which affect our union members and the Trust's financial status. Unfortunately, the significant increase in member premiums, as well as no change in BOCES contribution since 2011, has greatly impacted our ability to continue all benefits at the present rate. Without a new contract, there can be no increase in contribution to the fund. In order to safeguard the trusts ability to continue, we have made changes to the following benefits: Due to the ever increasing dental expenses, as of July 1, 2017, the Delta Dental Plan yearly maximum of $1,800 has been decreased to the old rate of $1,500 per family member per year. We must stress the importance of using a (PPO) dentist as they have contracted rates with Delta Dental. Also, there will be an increase in the co-pay to $50 (Single) and $100 (Family) per year. Please see the attached brochure for specific details or visit our website Details can be found under the benefits tab. Additionally, we must terminate the Davis Vision Plan. The benefit has been extremely underutilized (20% usage). Given our financial situation, it is imperative that we preserve those benefits that best assist our members and their families. If you have not yet taken advantage of this benefit, or are eligible to again, we urge you to do so BEFORE the plans termination date of September 30, 2017. For specific details visit our website Details can be found under the benefits tab. If you have any questions regarding the Delta Dental or Davis Vision Plans, please visit or call 914-923-3450. Sincerely, Melissa Barreto Benefits Trust Chairperson Trustees: Stacey DiPaola Sue Carforo Rebecca Phang Mitch Cohen
November 2024